Game Of Thrones: House Power Rankings

Game Of Thrones House Sigils

House Power Rankings

Like most fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones, I’m intrigued by the many Houses vying for the Iron Throne. Below is a brief summary of the State of the Houses as of the Season 2 finale and where I think they rank in terms of power and position. The Night’s Watch are not a House but I’ve added them on because I think they’re cool. I did not include some other Great Houses like the Frey, Martell, Tully and Arryn because Season 2 did not focus on them so there is not enough information to rank them. Let me know how you rank the Houses and what is your favorite House in the comments below.

#1. House Lannister – A House Divided. King Joffrey is a Baratheon in name only although we all have a few special names we’d like to call him. With the Iron Throne defended (for the time being), the Lannisters might be their own worst enemy. Queen Cersei has lost control of her sociopathic son, Tywin has punished Tyrion for his valiant effort to save King’s Landing and Tyrion intends to keep his promise to Cersei that one day, joy will turn to ashes in her mouth. Meanwhile, Jamie, who killed his cousin in a failed escape attempt, is on a dangerous journey through war torn Riverlands with warrior Brienne. Lastly, Princess Myrcella is a ward of House Martell who are patiently waiting for how things shake down in King’s Landing before making their move. I know some fans are upset that the Lannisters, with the exception of Tyrion, are in control but please don’t give up on the show.

#2. House Tyrell – A Blossoming House of Roses. The sudden death of King Renly was a major set back for the Tyrells as most of the minor Houses switched allegiances and joined up with Stannis instead. The Tyrells have turned a grave misfortune into a golden opportunity by aligning with the wealthiest and powerful House Lannister to defeat Stannis’ army in the Battle of Blackwater. With Margaery’s betrothal to King Joffrey, the Tyrells have the Iron Throne within their grasp. Margaery is not an innocent dove that can be easily manipulated by Cersei or controlled by Joffrey. With the help of her brother Loras, she will use her cunning wits and god given “assets” to be The Queen. I can’t wait for Joffrey’s wedding day!

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#3. House Stark – A House Without A Home. Even having never lost a battle, the glint in the Starks’s armor is slowly fading. Matriarch Catelyn has betrayed the trust of Robb when she freed the Kingslayer; which they sacrificed two thousand men in order to capture him in the first place. In Westeros, marriage can forge and strengthen alliances however Robb’s reckless marriage to Talisa breaks his oath to House Frey. Worst of all, their stronghold Winterfell is in ruin, after it was taken over by former family ward Theon while young Bran & Rickon have fled to the Wall. Robb ordered Lord Bolton’s bastard son and 500 men to take back Winterfell but it appears things did not go as planned. I can only imagine Catelyn and Robb’s reaction when they hear of the (faux) death of Bran & Rickon, Arya is not in King’s Landing as presumed and Sansa’s safety is in jeopardy because she is no longer betrothed to Joffrey. The Stark’s values of family, honor and love are quickly unraveling their position in the War of the Kings and Robb doesn’t even want the Iron Throne.

#4. House Greyjoy – A House Rising out of the Sea. The Iron Islander’s strength lie in the sea and their ships. They have raided coastal towns and seized Deepwood Motte, north-west of Winterfell. Balon Greyjoy is no stranger to war or rebellion; he will fight, reave and earn his place as a formidable contender in the War of the Kings. His daughter Yara has also proven to be a fierce, smart leader and commands a large fleet herself. Their weakest link is Theon. By taking over Winterfell and (faux) killing the Stark children, which was not commanded by Balon, Theon has angered the Northerners. If only Theon had brought back the Stark children to Pyke unharmed, they could have been used as hostages to strengthen their position. Theon is presumed to be captured or even dead, which leaves the King of the Iron Islands without an heir.


#5. House Baratheon – A House on Fire. Stannis Baratheon has gone from underdog, to top contender to fading ember over the course of Season 2. After the failed siege on King’s Landing, Stannis and his remaining fleet have fled back to the sanctuary of Dragonstone where he laments the killing of his younger brother Renly. Stannis’ right-hand man and most loyal supporter, Ser Davos Seaworth is missing in action. He does have at his side a powerful ally in Melisandre, who shows Stannis his future in the flames. Stannis is a bold and determined commander-in-chief and it would be unwise to count him out of the race for the Iron Throne, especially when Melisandre can unleash shadow creatures and other unspeakable dark magic.

#6. House Targaryen – A House of the Undying. Daenerys is unstoppable despite all tragedies she’s had to endure. She’s lost her husband Khal Drogo, her unborn son Rhaego, and most of her Khalasar died in the Red Waste and Qarth. Even her dragons were stolen but she got them back by defeating a deranged warlock that tried to imprison her! After she is betrayed by Xaro, who promised her ships and fortune if they were to marry, Daenerys locks Xaro and former handmaiden Doreah in an empty, treasureless vault. Because her dragons are still babies and she does not have an army or ships, she is not ranked higher. If she eventually reaches the shores of Westeros and forges alliances, she’ll be a game changer.

#7. Order of the Night’s Watch – Another Brick in The Wall. The Night’s Watch have no interest in the Iron Throne or the politics of Westeros. Although the Night’s Watch remain neutral in the War of the Kings, their actions will determine the fate of Westeros. Undermanned and under armed, the Night’s Watch have the unenviable task of stopping the Wildings from breaking through the Wall and battling the White Walkers and their undead horde. Jon Snow has infiltrated the Wildings by posing as a traitor of the Night’s Watch. But will his loyalties be tested as he falls for the fiery Ygritte and meets Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall?

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Posted on June 6, 2012, in Game of Thrones, Television and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Nice, very detailed descriptions! I think I pretty much agree with the rankings as well. 🙂

  2. Thanks for reading, appreciate the comments.

  3. House Stark are the best because the northmen are stronger than the southern men, because they endure a tougher conditions, leaving tougher men

    House Arryn is in a good position, because it has one of the few impregnable castle in westeros. Neither has it lost any men or food to war (foods important in long winters).


    house Targaryean has the support of house Martell, Tyrell and the Golden company.

    • A long winter is coming and the Northerners would be more experienced to battle and survive under frozen, barren conditions. Unfortunately they don’t have dragons. 🙂

      House Arryn are abstaining from the war so far, I guess it’s good not to make enemies though they probably peeved some houses for not lending a helping hand. Unfortunately for them, they don’t have dragons either. 🙂

      There are lot of twists and turns that can change the house power rankings. I had to edit out some of the spoilers as it’s not revealed on the TV show yet. Thanks for commenting!

  4. Where is house Tully?

    • Season 2 didn’t focus on them so there’s no enough info to summarize what they did. If I do an updated ranking I might include them next time. Thanks for checking out the article.

What do you think?