Monthly Archives: October 2012

Monday’s Sidesplitter: Mitt Romney Style (Gangnam Style Parody)

Are you ready for a ‘change in course’?  Sidekick Reviews would like to introduce a new weekly feature called Monday’s Sidesplitter: An irreverent and amusing take on popular culture, entertainment, politics, and current events collected from the far corners of the internet.

This week’s Sidesplitter is a parody of PSY’s Gangnam Style, the most liked video on Youtube.  Regardless of your political views you’ll probably get a chuckle or two from Mitt Romney Style, featuring vee pee nominee Paul Ryan.

CollegeHumor’s Mitt Romney Style (Gangnam Style Parody)

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The Avengers – Movie/Blu-Ray Roundtable Discussion and Avengers 2 Predictions

The Avengers – Movie/Blu-Ray Review & Discussion

The Avengers was a box-office smash and will continue to rake in dollars through Blu-Ray & DVD sales. What’s also impressive about the ultimate superhero ensemble movie is how it generated some really insightful and passionate opinions on myIGN. If you’re like me, you just can’t get enough and could talk for hours about the greatness of the Avengers.

Big ass budget in special effects bonanza … take that away and what do you got? Uhh genius of Joss Whedon and the best screenplay featuring an enormous green rage monster.

Let’s talk Avengers and what we want from Avengers 2 with Cibarra and myIGN bloggers!

Avengers could have easily been a let down. Why do you think Avengers worked and what would you have changed?

Cibarra: I think the Avengers worked because the audience already knew the characters from the previous films. Almost everyone on the squad has their own origin film. If there were no background films it be tough to explain all the characters origins and try to fill it into a 3 hour film. Another big reason this movie worked out so well is because of Joss Whedon. If your toilet is backed up, you hire a f**king plumber. If you want to make a great comic book movie, you hire a comic book writer. I could only imagine how horrible this movie could have been if the reins were handed over to Michael Bay. There are few things i would have changed but one thing that bothers me is the death of Agent Coulson. I really felt a connection with him because he was as much in awe with these characters as I was. The Avengers didn’t need Coulson’s death to bring them together, they needed a good ass whooping. Them getting defeated individually would have been another way for them to see that they needed each other more than they realized.

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